Choose Monogram Media for unparalleled media sales representation expertise and a track record of delivering exceptional results.
Our Expertise
Our network of senior agency and client contacts has been established over 30 year of industry experience. Our expertise covers a range of categories including Premium Travel, Luxury Goods, Swiss Watches, Automotive, IT & Technology and many more.
Our Philosophy
Our sales philosophy is simple - we believe in delivering uncompromising levels of service and quality. This ensures that we can achieve your revenue goals and grow your business in professional and well planned manner.
Our Commitment to Results
We work with our clients to build a sales strategy that ensures revenue results are achieved. Leverage our proven approach and expansive client network to assist your business achieve its goals.
Our Experience
We have over 30 years experience leading some of Australia's most prestigeous media - including The Australian Financial Review, The Sydney Morning Herald and The AFR Magazine. Let our team help you with your media sales solutions.
Our Network
We provide you with access to senior marketing decision makers across a broad range of categories including Travel, Luxury Goods, Automotive, Retail , IT & T and many more.
Market Size - $514M
Travel marketers know that Australian's are passionate about their holidays. This lucrative advertising market is enjoying strong growth in a post COVID world and advertising budgets are increasing to capture the growth.
Phone: 0404 879 120
Mail : info@monogram.media

Market : $250M
The automotive industry is enjoying a period of immense change as the world pivots to EV's and brands fight for their share of the car buyers market. Innovation and idea's are the key to accessing this market.
Phone: 0404 879 120
Mail: info@monogram.media
Market : $980M
The largest and most lucrative advertising sector in Australia with more than 20% of the total market. Luxury retailers continue to grow strongly and the broader retail market is performing well despite the recent rate hikes.
Phone: 0404 879 120
Mail: info@monogram.media